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Harm from different types of cigarettes and smoking gadgets

Harm from different types of cigarettes and smoking gadgets

Smoking remains one of the main causes of various diseases and premature death. Despite its prevalence, it continues to damage health. In recent years, new types of cigarettes and smoking gadgets have appeared on the market, which are often perceived as less harmful alternatives to traditional cigarettes. However, all of them, to one degree or another, pose a danger to the body.

Traditional cigarettes. This type of smoking remains the most common and the most harmful to health. Tobacco smoke inhaled by smokers contains more than 7 thousand chemicals, 70 of which can cause cancer. Among them are nicotine, which causes addiction, as well as tar and carbon monoxide, which damage the lungs and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cigarettes cause more than 8 million deaths worldwide every year.

Electronic cigarettes. In recent years, electronic cigarettes (vapes) have become widespread. They do not use combustion but vaporize a liquid with nicotine, which creates a false sense of security. However, studies have shown that inhaling the vapors from these devices is also associated with the risk of lung and cardiovascular diseases. E-cigarette liquids contain chemicals such as propylene glycol and glycerin, which can cause inflammation in the airways. According to the American Lung Association, using e-cigarettes can increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.

Snus. Snus is tobacco that is used without combustion and is usually placed under the upper lip. Although snus does not cause the same lung problems as smoking, it still contains nicotine, which contributes to the development of addiction. Snus use is also associated with the risk of gum disease, as well as an increased likelihood of oral and pancreatic cancer. Swedish studies have found that long-term use of snus increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Smokeless tobacco products. These include products such as tobacco chewing mixtures and inhalers. These devices do not produce smoke, but they also contain harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on health. The greatest risk is that people who use such products often do not realize the extent of the danger to their health, taking them for “safer” alternatives. Thus, despite the availability of various smoking gadgets and tobacco products, they all have dangerous consequences for health. It is important to remember that the only way to significantly reduce health risks is to quit smoking and using tobacco products.

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